Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Mystery of Grace

I was so struck by the paragraph below - I have taken from a blog that I am following regarding the recovery of her husband from a terrible motorcycle accident. Her thoughts are profound and ring with clarity and truth.

"The writer Ann Lamott wrote: "I do not understand the mystery of grace -- only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us." As I think of the wave we are riding, I think this sense that we are being carried into a territory that will leave us profoundly and mysteriously and - by grace alone - gloriously changed is the odd and unexpected sweetness that softens the bitterness of this sorrow. When I say glorious I mean it in the strictest sense of the word glory, i.e. praise, worship, and thanksgiving offered to God. There is a grace that is there for the finding in every moment of our every day. And often, we find it. It is mysterious. It does not explain or change or erase what is painful. But it changes us, when we allow it, with a strange sweetness. My prayer is that we will continue to let it carry us to the places that we cannot yet imagine.Please pray with us for that kind of glory."